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" Weight loss  success  comes down to the  70 /30 rule."   TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT WITH THE 70/30 RULE 1.  REMOVE ONE DIETARY VICE PER DAY It takes 5 minutes to eat 500 calories, but can take up to two hours of exercise to burn it off! Consuming calories from food is easy but burning off these calories by relying on exercise alone takes a lot of time and hard work. It is much more achievable to cut your calorie intake by simply removing one dietary vice a day. Try skipping your afternoon chocolate fix, switching to black tea or skipping your evening glass of wine. 2.  BOOST PROTEIN INTAKE AT BREAKFAST Protein at breakfast is vital for weight loss. Protein keeps us fuller for longer and consequently, you will eat less throughout the day. Have you tried poached eggs, avocado & spinach? Yoghurt, seeds and berries? Smoked salmon with avocado on buckwheat toast or porridge with flax seeds and a dollop of yoghurt? 3.  MINIMISE SNACKING New research indicates that constant grazing

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